Helping Leaders Excel™
Top executives, lawyers, investors and boards need to be a step ahead of the competition to succeed today. If not starting the trend, they need to anticipate and prepare for it. Essential in these rapidly changing times. Our continual work with leaders ensures timeless insights and success.
Timeless Issues:
THEN and NOW - whether Caveman or Modern CEO people are concerned about some issues: time management, dealing with difficult people, looking like a leader, and stress.
Tips & Trends
Over the years, clients have told us that some tips are invaluable.
Favorite Client Advice:
Hope isn’t a strategy.
At a certain level everyone works hard, everyone’s smart—it’s things beyond competence that count.
Avoid meetings and important decisions on a Friday afternoon.
Skepticism is a virtue.
Change is constant-be prepared. Think at least two steps ahead.
Don’t give away your trust-its valuable. People need to earn it.
Leaders play the hand that’s dealt.
Leadership Presence
Leadership presence is vital for CEOs, lawyers, consultants and politicians. Few people are natural winners, thus we’ve coached CEOs and rising stars in every field how to quickly evidence leadership.
Tips for Leadership Presence:
Remedy bad handshakes ASAP as studies show this is considered a major failing.
Stand or sit large - CEOs take up space.
To avoid gesturing too much, sit on a hand or switch your watch to another hand as a reminder.
Don’t finish other people’s sentences or use “I” too often.
Don’t interrupt or finish people’s sentences. To break the habit, count to four after the other person has stopped speaking and before you start talking.
Mastering Time
Time management was hard years ago and much worse now. While everyone has different issues and lifestyles, our advice has enabled clients to control time, focus on more significant matters and increase revenues. Advice is always practical, direct and tailored to the client.
Tips for Time Management:
People are better at certain times of day than others, but most don’t realize what, when, and ways to master.
Email over-load can be sharply reduced just by asking employees to indicate whether high or low priority, specifying the subject and describing the issue in the first paragraph.
Don’t use emails to convey complex or emotion-laded messages
Don’t bury the lead. Ask staff and friends to state purpose at start of email or conversation, and do the same yourself.
Know your time drains. If you don't know, get an assessment to see if you're better with time limits, your ability to multi-track, when you need time alone and more.
Dealing with Difficult People
Dealing with difficult people has been a common problem for ages - accordingly our numerous articles, talks, and media quotes. Happily with a brief description or email, we can provide a client the right approach and wording to ensure success of meetings and conversations-- formal or informal.
Tips for Dealing with Difficult People:
Don’t try to change them or be their friend.
People don’t always say what they mean or mean what they say.
Little things can mean a lot to people. (Read Understanding Bosses)
Learn stress basics—business/weather turbulence, 9/11 and more have taught us the need to be prepared.
Under stress, a person’s dominant traits become more pronounced.
Board Interactions
CEO evaluation, succession, disruptive directors, diversity, technology and other board interactions: cover articles, keynotes, media and clients affirm our governance expertise. Boards have long sought our advice on the most sensitive matters, including how to help director with substance abuse, theft and sexual issues. Decades later these have not impacted the corporations’ reputation or become known to the public. Directors have sought advice on major and minor issues-including transitions and down-time. “Advice for an average golfer” became a popular feature article, Directors & Boards.
Board Interaction Tips:
Don’t surprise friendly peers. If you know you’ll be disagreeing with them, tell them before the meeting.
There’s no such thing as too much diligence on issues. Highlight a few sections to demonstrate you’ve studied the issues.
Listen effectively, think and pick the right time for comments-plus have the courage to state an unpopular view. Be a value-added director.
Meeting behavior counts-study who does it well.
Learn “How to Handle Disruptive Directors,” Directors & Boards
How to Get on a Board
How to get on a board is a newer interest of clients, but for years we’ve helped dozens of people become and stay meaningful directors. Frequently clients have been recognized as Directors to Watch, are featured speakers at NACD meetings, authors and more recognition. Via our Board Optimization Program nearly all clients seeking to be director achieved their goals.“Board Interview Basics” includes advice from prominent directors
Tips for How to Get on a Board:
Show your willingness to commit time to study, digest and understand the facts, to say yes to tough jobs and challenge assumptions.
Define yourself. Know what you bring to the table.
Get behind the Looking Glass. Understand what a company needs, now and in future.
Be well prepared for formal and informal interviews, from directors and affiliates.
Don’t wait until you’re in your 50s or 60s to begin marketing yourself.