Helping Leaders Excel™
Trusted by the Nation's top executives, companies, law firms and boards
Dr. Dee A. Soder, Founder
FOUNDER’S VISION now Billion Dollar Industry
My vision? Highly confidential, selective help for leaders who wanted to excel. A service for executives wanting results - action and straight-talk, not hand-holding. Something that combined psychology and business that was fast, responsive, objective, and non-judgmental.
After intensive research, I discovered there was little or nothing that combined these elements.
Nor anyone with my deep background & significant work in psychometrics, business, psychology.
While there were numerous programs available for middle management, there was nothing for top executives. And nothing for a person whose problem wasn't finding a job, but rather having too many options. Nothing for those who had risen so fast that they never learned the basics of management. Nor anything for top executives who wanted to discuss a plan or a complex problem-business or personal. I designed a company to meet these needs.
In 1986, my vision became reality, pioneering a new industry, executive coaching. Fortune’s Cover Article on Executive Coaching deemed me the Clairvoyant. The field has attracted thousands and estimated at well over a billion dollars now. The area is unregulated thus at Harvard, Brookings, Conference Board and other talks I provided criteria to help individuals select a good coach for their needs.
While recognized as trailblazer, consigliere, CEO’s Coach and legend by media, I still sensed other needs among our most senior clients. In conjunction with Richard Clarke, who had an extraordinary career leading international and North American corporations, the CEO Perspective Group evolved to provide clients with a deeper knowledge of international business, associations, and boards. More stellar top executives joined, including Geraldine Ferraro and others with expertise in politics, technology and media.
Strategic alliances and working relationships with leading experts ensure clients always have the best possible advice. Our elite group of clients often helps each other on issues, ranging from finding the best golf pro to venture funding. As in prior Advice & Counsel page, this CEO CLUB has enabled achievement of individual, corporate and philanthropic goals. While we’ve obtained information for articles, emerging issues, and new programs. Truly a win-win!
CEO Perspective Group partners, led by Dr. Dee Soder, have been prominent over the years.
Over 750 CEO Perspective Group, speeches, comments and articles in national media, from Wall Street Journal to Croatia. The CBS Marketwatch interview “Moving On” after 9/11 was a CBS Highlight for weeks. “Leading When It Counts” was the lead article in Directors & Boards 2006 Business Continuity Edition on how board directors should act during a crisis. Re-printed, it continues to be heavily requested by directors, top executives and governments for advice for disruptions from weather, finance, mass shootings and more.
• Partners authored 9 Books, Advised 23 Best Selling Authors
• 90% Referral since company was founded with clients often returning as they assumed larger roles.
• Founded 8 Firms
• Deliberately small, young staff: all now highly successful in diverse fields (Legal, theater, finance)
• Significant pro bono work by partners and staff (law enforcement, diversity, women’s rights, disability)
• Helped Over 80 Clients Launch Successful Companies, Firms & Non-Profits
Dr. Dee Soder
Founder and Managing Partner
Dr. Soder has been one of the nation’s leading advisors to top executives, companies, and boards for decades. Deemed “the country’s foremost assessment expert,” “CEO’s consigliere,” ”legendary advisor,” and “clairvoyant” by WSJ, Fortune, CNN, CBS Marketwatch, NPR and others, Soder smoothly combines psychological acumen, business savvy, testing expertise, and common sense. Already a successful executive and thought-leader, she saw the need for a service combining psychology and business for senior executives. In 1986 she started an assessment and advisory firm to fill the void. While intended for clients, in the process she pioneered a new industry, executive coaching and helped thousands further excel.
At the forefront of CEO advice, assessment, diversity, forensic psychology and
coaching young achievers, Soder is typically a step ahead. Despite numerous awards, she is constantly learning. Like her clients, Soder continues to improve and innovate. Over 90% of her firm’s business is referral-based due to her
commitment to results, confidentiality, and clients.
As CEO Perspective Group founder, she advises top management and Boards on a wide range of issues. For 30 plus years Boards and private equity firms have asked Soder to conduct highly sensitive assessments to determine whether to hire or keep chief executives. Clients include smaller companies, private equity firms, executive search and advisory groups, as well as highly successful individuals—the leaders in every field!