Helping Leaders Excel™

Psychometric/Testing Expertise
Postdoctoral Assessment Studies plus Graphic Assessment courses with German professor (PhD, MS, & BS Special Distinction, Industrial Psych)
Created Apperception Test (modern version of the Thematic Apperception Test) to obtain rich information about competitiveness, intelligence, people insight, creativity and more
Director, Personnel Standards and Testing for US Civil Service Commission; also Commission’s expert on legality of testing
Introduced bill to Congress to protect tests from disclosure, nearly passed.
Advised Runnymede Trust on new civil rights laws for UK
Authored two books on legality of personnel practices and court cases, one in National Archives
Co-authored the applauded Job Analysis: An Effective Management Tool, Bureau of National Affairs publisher
Advised Educational Testing Service (ETS) and State Department on testing and assessment centers, notably tests for deaf and foreign service officers
Co-founder of prominent Personnel Testing Council of Metropolitan Washington (www.ptcmw.org)
As undergraduate helped determine causes for university basketball team’s scoring low, next season team’s score was markedly higher
Reduced Dallas Police Department turnover in first year by over 20% with short test
Accurately predicted the strike reasons of nurses at major medical center in my first job (in order with one exception)
Developed Jury Selection Scale for doctoral dissertation to be used during voir dire. It was accurate 72 of 72 times prior to trial. A lawyer could predict how jurors would vote before trial with Scale and one other factor. Two judges deemed it could be challenge for cause. Spoke at JAG Corps about jury selection method and use.
Consulted for several top law firms to successfully match clients and partners & solve problems while working in DC and postdoctoral work in forensic psychology
Psychometrist, promoted to assistant director, U.S. Postal Service Programs to train first group of Postal Service Inspectors
One of two psychologists for U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) responsible for determining validity of personnel practices. Advised penalties for companies in violation.
As Bureau Chief for Metropolitan DC Police Department the top priority was valid, reliable selection practices.
Revision, creativity and negotiation with union and DC Government required-succeeded. Within a year promoted to Staffing Director for District of Columbia, obtained “outstanding performance rating” & award by City
One of first three female partners for Rohrer, Hibler & Replogle, prominent psychology firm (at time most partners had clinical background.) Founded in 1945 RHR is known for interviews and assessments; refined interviewing skills and other positives
Asked to be objective evaluator for President’s Reorganization Projects (only female, lowest GS grade and youngest of over 100 top law enforcement executives from different organizations.) Incredible work, learning experience. Promoted, time extended beyond detail thanks to OMB Director. Formal commendation by President of the United States for my work and “contribution to a more effective Federal Government.” Exceptional 18 months
Lifetime member of American Psychological Association
For more, contact Dr. Dee Soder